
Supported Finetuning Methods

Example: Vicuna Finetuning

To do a vicuna finetune of your first model through LLM-ATC, run the following

# start training
$ llm-atc train --model_type vicuna --finetune_data ./vicuna_test.json --name myvicuna --checkpoint_bucket my-trainy-bucket --checkpoint_store S3 --description "This is a finetuned model that just says its name is vicuna" -c mycluster --cloud gcp --envs "MODEL_BASE='meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf' HF_TOKEN=<huggingface_token> WANDB_API_KEY=<wandb_key" --accelerator A100:8 --region asia-southeast1

# Once training is done, shutdown the cluster
$ sky down

In this example, llm-atc train requests a single A100:8 instance from GCP. If there is availability, a GPU instance is allocated and your finetuning data is uploaded from your laptop to the instance as training data for finetuning. URIs to object stores will also work. For example,

$ llm-atc train ... --finetune_data s3://my-bucket/vicuna_test.json

Model checkpoints will be saved into object store for deployment later. For instance,

# if trained on GCP, uses GS

# otherwise uses AWS S3 by default

# check where the actual object store is
$ sky storage ls

Model List

Models trained through LLM-ATC can be viewed using llm-atc list.

$ llm-atc list
|  model_name | model_type |         time        |                 task                 |                         description                         |
|   myvicuna  |   vicuna   | 2023/08/01 15:17:46 |  /Users/asai/.llm_atc/myvicuna.yml   | This is a finetuned model that just says its name is vicuna |